Print and Send In
These forms are available to download and complete. They can be submitted in person, by mail, or by email.
Must be printed out or downloaded and completed digitally and send in with Option Tax payments monthly.
Community organizations in Stanley may request funding from the option tax pool. Forms must be submitted with all required information at least five days prior to the council meeting where they will be discussed.
Building permits and all required accompanying information must be submitted at least ten days prior to the council meeting where permit will be discussed.
Building permits building in designated floodplain areas must complete this permit and turn in with building permit.
Timesheets are due the Monday after pay periods end. Please turn in in person at the City Office or email a photograph or scanned copy to cityclerk@stanley.id.gov.
Lot change and land division applications must be submitted at least ten days before the Council meeting where they will be discussed. Please note that if building plans include lot changes this application must be submitted in its entirety alongside your building permit application.
Sign permit applications must be submitted at least ten days before the Council meeting where they will be discussed.
All businesses catering food and drink outside of their normal operating location or hours, or caterers from outside of Stanley planning to cater an event in town, must submit a catering permit application.
This form was developed to address citizen complains and concerns. By completing and submitting this form, you certify that the information provided is truthful and accurate to the best of your ability. This form should not be used for questions, suggestions, or malicious or targeted complaints.
If you are interested in working with the City of Stanley, print and turn in this application. More information can be found here.
Businesses operating within city limits must have a current business license. License fee is $25/year. Only new businesses or businesses with lapsed licenses need to fill out this form.
Planning on having a booth at a festival, a food truck, or another temporary or mobile business operating in city limits? You'll need a temporary vendor's license.